Network Operating Systems
Network operating systems (NOS) typically are used to run computers that act as servers. They provide the capabilities required for network operation. Network operating systems are also designed for client computers and provide functions so the distinction between network operating systems and stand alone.
operating systems is not always obvious. Network operating systems provide the following functions:
l File and print sharing.
l Account administration for users.
l Security.
Installed Components
l Client functionality
l Server functionality
Functions provided:
l Account Administration for users
l Security
l File and print sharing
Network services
l File Sharing
l Print sharing
l User administration
l Backing up data
Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
A universal naming convention (UNC) is used to allow the use of shared resources without mapping a drive to them. The UNC specifies a path name and has the form:
If I have a Linux server called "linux3" with a folder named "downloads" with a file called "readme.txt"
in the folder, the UNC is:
operating systems is not always obvious. Network operating systems provide the following functions:
l File and print sharing.
l Account administration for users.
l Security.
Installed Components
l Client functionality
l Server functionality
Functions provided:
l Account Administration for users
l Security
l File and print sharing
Network services
l File Sharing
l Print sharing
l User administration
l Backing up data
Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
A universal naming convention (UNC) is used to allow the use of shared resources without mapping a drive to them. The UNC specifies a path name and has the form:
If I have a Linux server called "linux3" with a folder named "downloads" with a file called "readme.txt"
in the folder, the UNC is: