The possibility of HOMT is straightforward. You put your money into a token, regardless of whether you are Student, Third Party Property Owner or Investor. You would like to get host of utility administrations with a choice of taking fragmentary heap of your costs in the event that you are understudy. Our token will be used for the advancement and development of our Digital Student Property Marketplace and besides bolstered by our own procured certified property, which holds a characteristic worth. Each token will address a degree of Company's and Student's utility administrations it expects to give. As our establishment and property portfolio create, rental livelihoods will create. With the hearty plan of action set up, aside from normal token utility assistance benefits which will be determined for our esteemed speculators, the property thankfulness is going to hold treasure and will pick up year on year appreciation.

HOMT LTD. will step into worldwide market to discover right settlement for the understudy with essentially hardly any navigates HOMT LTD PLATFORM. The association has additionally remembered the advanced chance to buy properties worldwide for understudy lodging other than understudy's convenience in a similar commercial center.

Our Concept of "Half breed Rental Term Investments" is to give all understudies internationally the better land lodging advantage, wherein they can feel and have the solace like they are at "HOME".

HOMT LTD. gives sensible utility advantage to the understudies when they buy HOM Tokens through HOMT LTD. Stage.

Home tokenized with HOMT 

With tokenized property represents tokens, this opens various possibilities and use instances of the property tokens, some of which are:

Legacy Transfer 

At the point, when a property can be labeled and broken into number of tokens spoke to for properties on the blockchain, it can possibly be moved as inheritance to various gatherings as tokens. Alongside this, each proprietor has the opportunity over the tokens self-governing from one another. For instance, the ability to organize or move the assets on the blockchain. This handles authentic issue whereby a single property ownership is isolated through inheritance, subsequently maintaining a strategic distance from any future debates among the legitimate beneficiaries.

Electronic Collateral 

HOM Tokens spoke to by tokenized security can be utilized with the end goal of guarantee fund and protection.

Inside and Secondary Market 

As the property determination develops and the physical property reacts in esteem, the tokens become logically huge and can be sold for an advantage. HOMT will be an Ethereum blockchain dare to develop a custom property token exchange. Likewise, HOMT will try to get recorded on other decentralized exchanges.


HOMT LTD. will make a de-incorporated commercial center in first stage for Student's Rental by welcoming existing Student Rental land owners and displaying the properties procured with the assets raised and the budgetary utilities profited and offered by High Street Banks.

Over a range of 3 – 5 years a noteworthy level of understudies involving Student's rental settlement will become residents of the separate nations where they will be finishing their investigations, will become potential purchasers of properties other than Student's Rental for their own utilization. HOMT LTD. In second stage, through a different interface will give chance to these understudies to purchase, sell nonstudent's investment properties.

Along these lines, HOMT LTD. really become "HOME" accomplice during study and after examinations, alongside such huge numbers of other united administrations.


With the understudies utilizing Students Rental commercial center for their rental necessities, can become future potential purchasers of the property, in this manner HOMT LTD can make the whole network for property needs as well as numerous such unified and different open doors in future.


In what limit blockchain innovation will improve the business? For example, the affirmation of title deeds. Holding title data on the blockchain would allow them to be checked and move quickly with less open door for trick or shortcoming, which may diminish security costs. Likewise, it could permit assets to be moved quickly and securely around the world, taking numerous issues around determining exchange rates and obligations out of the condition, and controlling the potential for wrongdoing.

To the extent property the executives, rental portions followed on the blockchain will be totally discernible, improving the assessing system and constraining the risk of slip-ups. So also, organization charges can be auto figured, invoiced and paid. here is even the opportunity of setting up full understandings by methods for blockchain, which are carefully approved and whose terms are thusly settled - for example, rent portions taken, or credit reimbursed - by methods for blockchain.


Widen commitments into Personal Real Estate with the possibility of wandering into Commercial Real Estate (using separate online interface). Making different open doors for understudies like in the event that they are steadfast token holders, at that point our commercial center will have diverse area with ordinary properties accessible which will be seriously valued and thusly they can purchase/sell their properties.



HOMT LTD. plans to democratize the understudy lodging venture showcase by digitizing understudy lodging property, offering financial specialists the opportunity to put resources into advanced tokens that speaks to a tokenized Students Rental Accommodation for undergrad rentals. The digitization of property financing has numerous points of interest over conventional land venture models.

Right off the bat, monetary pros will never again be required to place a critical sum into one property. Or maybe, business people can purchase any amount of cutting edge tokenized items starting at 0.25 $ USD which are associated with all HOMT LTD. properties and acquisitions, along these lines, making an insignificant access to the market while improving their domain property.

Besides, digitizing bequest adventure mitigates the land market's most prominent issue, which is low income. Selling understudy "unit" is a broad or even vast strategy as a result of the market's nonattendance of monetary assets. By holding computerized tokens that are tokenized for student's property, an about adaptable market can exist for these tokens plausibly making understudy dwelling adventure a benefit for first time.

•  For more information please visit and read
🔸Website: https://homt.net/
🔸YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSB9YHUPVlJclwW3qow0NOw

Bitcointalk username: corneafx
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2649614
Proof of authentication link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5250951.msg54587923#msg54587923
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Twitter profile link: https://mobile.twitter.com/Corneafx
Telegram username: @corneafx
Ether address: 0x82E8b084528ED9333307b049762c2dc20EC6BC88


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